left Natural Health Lifestyles: Natural health alternatives on the rise!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Natural health alternatives on the rise!

With the continued media coverage of natural health alternatives and cures, it seems that the health care industry is on the defensive. After all, the more people find alternatives to conventional medicines and treatments, the less money for the health care guys.

I consider it a hobby of mine to search out the most effective natural remedies and cures and to post them on my website www.naturalhealthlifestyles.com for everyone to see.

This blog will represent the "unsensored" point of view and musings from myself, the natural health advocte. So, stop by often, be amazed, be shocked, maybe even be offended, but most of all be healthy!

After all, the more people press the issue and the more people learn about these alternatives, the better for our health and for our wallets!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.